• Roo performing “balance” on a concrete block

What is Dog Parkour?


If you’re familiar with Busy Dog on any level, you know that we’re hugely passionate about dog parkour! Have you ever wondered why or what it’s all about?


Dog parkour is often referred to as “urban agility.” The sport is composed of a number of skills that can be trained anywhere without any equipment. There are 6 base behaviors (and many others beyond!): 4 feet on, 2 feet on, under, through, in, and balance. These skills are then turned to nature, where you and your dog are challenged to find a variety of obstacles of different sizes, textures, and stability, to play parkour on! 

There are myriad benefits to teaching your dog parkour – here are some of our favorites! 


Benefit #1: Confidence Building

For many dogs, it will be scary at first to put their front paws on a slippery rock, or to crawl under a tree branch. Over time, practicing dog parkour will help your dog learn to trust your judgement, push their bodies in new ways, and become confident in themselves and their abilities.  Very quickly, the confidence that your dog builds in parkour will then transfer to other aspects of their life.

Benefit #2: Relationship Strengthening

As you and your dog spend time training together, your bond will strengthen. If you help your dog safely learn how to have fun in different ways, your dog will build value in the time you spend together. 

Benefit #3: Body Awareness & Conditioning (Safe for all Ages)

Does your dog act like they aren’t even aware of their back legs? This is common in young dogs. Dog parkour will increase your dog’s agility and body awareness. It also can help older dogs maintain some strength as they age.

Benefit #4: Enrichment – More Than Just a Walk! 

More often than not, simply just taking your dog for a walk isn’t enough. In addition to physical exercise, dogs also need mental exercise and enrichment! Dog parkour is an easy activity to add to the walks you’re already going on. Instead of rushing your dog pass a rock, stop and think about what your dog could do with that rock. Can they put feet on it? Circle it? Jump from one to the other?

Benefit #5: Optional Titling

To put it plainly, dog parkour is cool. Why wouldn’t you want to show off? Through the International Dog Parkour Association, you and your dog can earn awards. There are numerous levels, and if your dog prefers one specific behavior, you can earn a specialty title too!

Mackenzie Holmes of Busy Dog Training is a certified instructor and evaluator through the International Dog Parkour Association and can award you your training and novice level  titles. 



Classes Begin Soon!

Want to see what all the fuss is about? Check out our Parkour Class page Parkour Class page to learn even more and to check for upcoming classes! 

Busy Dog Trainer

Alex Hazlett



Unleashing the Power of Nose Work for Dogs

When it comes to engaging our canine companions in activities that tap into their natural instincts, nose work stands out as a remarkable sport. 

Dogs possess an incredible sense of smell, and participating in nose work allows them to embrace their innate abilities while having a great time. Let’s explore the captivating world of nose work and delve into the reasons why it’s an exceptional sport for dogs



Tapping Into Their Natural Instincts

Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, far superior to that of humans. They possess over 300 million olfactory receptors, enabling them to detect scents with remarkable precision. Nose work harnesses this natural talent by channeling their instinctive desire to explore, search, and discover. Engaging in this sport allows dogs to utilize their keen sense of smell, providing them with a fulfilling and mentally stimulating experience.


Mental and Physical Exercise

Nose work is an excellent way to provide dogs with both mental and physical exercise. As they navigate through different scent detection challenges, their minds are actively engaged in problem-solving and decision-making. The mental stimulation offered by nose work can help alleviate boredom and prevent destructive behaviors often associated with under-stimulated dogs. Additionally, the physical aspect of searching and maneuvering through various environments helps keep dogs physically fit and agile.


Strengthening Your Bond

Participating in nose work can deepen the bond between a dog and their handler. The sport relies heavily on teamwork, communication, and trust. Handlers learn to read their dog’s body language, signals, and reactions, which enhances their understanding of one another. The collaboration involved in nose work fosters a sense of partnership and strengthens the relationship, creating a deeper level of trust and companionship.


Fun for Everyone!

One of the greatest aspects of nose work is its inclusivity. Dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes can participate in this sport. Whether you have a high-energy working dog or a small companion breed, nose work can be tailored to accommodate their specific needs and abilities. It’s a fantastic outlet for dogs who may not excel in other sports, providing them with a chance to shine and showcase their unique talents. 


Confidence Boosting

Engaging in nose work can significantly boost a dog’s confidence. As they successfully locate hidden scents and overcome various challenges, they gain a sense of accomplishment. This newfound confidence can extend beyond the sport itself, positively influencing their behavior in other areas of life. Nervous or timid dogs often blossom through nose work, discovering their capabilities and embracing new experiences with enthusiasm. 


Stress Relief and Regulation

Dogs experience stress, just like humans do. Nose work can be an effective stress reliever for dogs, as it allows them to focus on a specific task, diverting their attention away from anxieties and worries. Engaging in scent detection activates the dog’s natural relaxation response, promoting a sense of calmness and tranquility. Additionally, the mental stimulation provided by nose work can help alleviate anxiety-related behaviors, making it a valuable tool for dogs prone to stress.




Nose work offers dogs a captivating and rewarding sport that taps into their exceptional olfactory abilities. It provides mental and physical exercise, strengthens the bond between dogs and their handlers, boosts confidence, and serves as an inclusive activity for all breeds. By engaging in nose work, dogs get to play a fulfilling and stimulating game with their person which enhances their overall well-being and happiness. So, why not unleash your dog’s true potential and embark on an exciting nose work journey together?